Saturday, 5 November 2011

Planning and Building Regulations for Extensions

November is now upon us. It is Bonfire Night and the children are very excited. It is really noticeable how early it now gets dark. 

The veterinary practice/clinic refurbishment has finished and they are currently open for business. All of the staff have confirmed that the finished building is ‘… simply beautiful’ and that they ‘…love it’ so a big pat on the back to all those involved especially the builders who performed admirably. Well done chaps.

Works are progressing well at another site in London. The builders managed to get the loft conversion watertight before the rains came and the ground floor extension should be watertight by the end of next week, ‘fingers crossed’.  At this stage there should not be any “surprises” and the reinstatement and extension works should progress well.  The client seems very excited as they begin to see the works taking shape.  All projects have milestones, and now that we have created the shell the client can start to visualise the size and shape of the proposed extensions.

Further planning applications were submitted this month ranging from new dwellings to extensions. All are very welcome and we look forward to securing the best solution for our clients.

We also had a great recommendation from our clients in Spain. We secured planning permission for a small flat development for them in the UK which they have just sold netting a respectable profit, so congratulation to all.

Last week I had a telephone call from a client who I had not heard from for over a year, I was stunned when he told me that his partner had died of cancer in that period. She was only 41, simply tragic.  I suppose if there is anything to learn/take from this it is that life is short, be kind to all and if you can help someone, then do so.

The rugby’s finished. England suitably underperformed (but not as badly as the cricket team last month!). We will have to wait and see if the England management setup gets changed. 

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