Half-way through March (a quarter of the way through the year !!!) - gosh, where’s the time going ? The only consolation I can find is that we are busy which can only be a good thing in the current climate.
Works are progressing at a great rate on the extension and refurbishment of another project in central London. The client flies in from Italy for the site meeting and then back afterwards. With the use of the internet, distance is not a problem, as long as the whole team from builder, designers and clients are all ‘can do’ people it all works very well.
With regards to planning approvals gained, we have secured a diverse selection ranging from a horse racing yard to housing. However, some have been challenging where we have had to meet with planning officers to ‘encourage’ them to see our way of thinking and gain the appropriate approvals.
Our sister company, Agrarian Construction, has completed the remodelling works to a large detached dwelling. We reconfigured both the ground and first floors, creating a large open-plan family space and better bedroom space respectively. All the works were completed on time and within the agreed budget with the client.
I should also congratulate the Architecture Team on winning a planning appeal on behalf of one of our clients. The scheme was challenging to say the least and the planning officer was not exactly helpful - I was certain they were more interested in meeting their targets rather than making the correct decision. However, the Planning Inspectorate agreed with our thoughts and overturned the planner’s decision and approved the scheme much to our and the client’s joy. We have quickly moved the scheme on and are currently compiling the Building Control drawings.
Whilst at a meeting with a Senior Planning Officer, the topic of the Government's desire to simplify the planning system arose, and I for one would have to agree with the planner's thoughts. How can the Government hope to make the planning system easier and better for all by condensing the current planning guidance (which is 1000 pages long) to a document which is just 24 pages ! Please explain how they will successfully achieve this ? Time will tell. Is it one of those ‘Great Ideas’ that just gets kicked into the long grass when people actually sit down and think how they are going to achieve their goals. Mmm... we shall see.